"Open Innovation" uses "STARTUP DB", a database that we operate, to provide services that promote collaboration between startup companies and large companies or national and local government agencies.
To accelerate the growth of startups, we develop and guide collaboration, cooperation, and investment between large companies and startup companies.
Our company operates "STARTUP DB", an information platform that specializes in growth industries. The data of this database is available for use in a variety of business endeavors.
Our company, one of the leading firms in support for growth industries, takes a proactive approach in promoting collaboration among industry, academia, and government to create innovation.
Growth industries both stimulate and are stimulated by major companies, academia, government, and other relevant players, working together harmoniously. We believe that this collaboration and co-creation will play an important role in the recovery of the Japanese economy.
The first conference was held in January 2021, becoming one of Japan's largest growth industry conferences with more than 2,400 persons applying to participate, more than 60 speakers, and more than 3,400 online exchange groups.