Our Startup Database (STARTUP DB), an information platform that specializes in growth industries, has information on more than 25,000 startups.

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Features of "STARTUP DB"

Our own database provides a clear picture of growth industry markets

This will become a hub that connects promising startups with ecosystem builders including individuals, companies, and academia.

"STARTUP DB" will provide you with a connection to startups, boosting Japan's growth industries by creating and developing opportunities for innovation.

The database provides a visualization of mainly the following five aspects, presenting them in an understandable manner.

Company information
Financing information
Service information

Data completeness and reliability

As a reliable information source, we also supply information to television, newspapers, magazines, and other media. In addition, our database is used for research by financial institutions, university research institutions, national and local government agencies, and other public organizations.


The Nikkei, the Nikkei Business Daily, Toyo Keizai, Diamond Weekly, Chunichi Shimbun, TV Asahi, TV Tokyo, etc.


Business alliance with Crunchbase, one of the world's largest venture databases

Academic research

Joint research with universities including the University of Tokyo, Nagoya City University, Tohoku Gakuin University, Kwansei Gakuin University, and Osaka University Graduate School